
These resources are available for all library patrons and Caldwell County Residents.  Login instructions (if necessary) are listed below.  These resources are provided through various funding sources.  *Don't forget to check our Educational Links page for additional resources available.

Research & Online Learning

The library offers access to EBSCOhost, an intuitive online research platform used by thousands of institutions and millions of users worldwide.  You can access the various platforms using the links below.  Please contact the library for information on setting up an account.

Academic Search Elite -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ehost&defaultdb=afh


Consumer Health Complete -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=chc


EBSCO eBooks -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ebook&defaultdb=nlebk


ERIC -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ehost&defaultdb=eric


Explora Academic -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=exac


Explora Educator's Edition -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ehed


Explora Elementary -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ehk5


Explora General Research -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ehpl


Explora High School -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=src_ic


Explora Middle School -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=explorams


Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ehost&defaultdb=funk

MasterFILE Premier & Reference eBook Collection -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ehost&defaultdb=e864sww&defaultdb=f5h


MEDLINE -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ehost&defaultdb=cmedm


Newspaper Source -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ehost&defaultdb=nfh


Professional Development Collection -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ehost&defaultdb=tfh


Read It! -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=ell


Science Reference Center -,cpid&custid=ns237594&profile=scrc

Also from the EBSCO Information Services platform and through the library's MOREnet membership, patrons have access to Learning Express Library.  LEL is an easy-to-use online test prep resources that helps people improve their core academic skills, earn a high school equivalency, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certifications, change careers and much much more! Please contact the library for information on setting up an account.

Learning Express Library 

This award-winning resource provides middle and high school students with up-to-date, nonjudgmental, self-help support. Articles are correlated to state, national and provincial standards. Topics covered include diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying and LGBTQ+ information. It has recently been updated to meet the needs of today’s teens and with new content on bullying, suicide, vaping, opioid abuse, gender identity, school safety, sexual harassment, COVID-19 and more.  Funding provided by ARPA Funding from the State Library.

Access Here

Empower learners with digital citizenship skills to navigate today’s virtual landscape. Interactive activities guide students through project-based learning activities using digital tools to create podcasts, multimedia presentations, social media campaigns, and more. Database articles explore cyberbullying, digital research skills, citizen journalism, and more. Digital Literacy will give your students and patrons the skills to be savvy digital citizens!  Funding through ARPA from the State Library.

Access Here

The Rosen Financial Literacy database makes economics and personal finance easy to understand and highly engaging. Articles explore macro-, micro-, and global economics as well as personal and household finance. Users will learn to manage credit and debt, save and invest with confidence, plan for college and retirement and avoid fraud and scams. Financial Literacy is an online economics and personal finance resource specifically designed for students in grades 7–12, but can easily benefit adults.  Funding is provided through ARPA from the State Library.

Access Here

Introducing Brainfuse VetNow! Get free online job and academic assistance for Veterans, and much more with your library card. Visit the following link to learn more! 


A comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, and finding aids. The database provides genealogical and historical sources for more than 60 countries, with coverage dating back as early as the 1700s  Click Access Here to check it out!