About Us

Library Hours

Monday  9am-5pm
Tuesday  9am-8pm
Wednesday  9am-5pm
Thursday  9am-8pm
Friday  9am-5pm
Saturday  9am-1pm

Caldwell County Library

The Caldwell County Library open in 2011 and existed only with the help of wonderful volunteers and donations.  Eventually the library was able to grow from an idea to an actual establishment located in the center of the county.  

In 2012, with the help of a tax levy passed by Caldwell County residents, the library was recognized as a public library by the State of Missouri and began offering free services to Caldwell County residents. The library is located in our new building at 60 W Broadway in Kingston, Missouri. 

The library now offers tutoring services, computer classes and online resources like EBSCO Host, ABC Mouse and Learning Express Library.  The goal of the library is to continue to bring the community services as needed so please let us know of anything that you feel is a necessity for Caldwell County.  We are always looking toward the future to bring in additional programming to assist our community.

The Library Board and Director value the opinions of our patrons.  Please let us know if you have any suggestions, questions or concerns with regard to the library, it's services or activities.  Our current board members are Debbie Ellis, Penny Byers, Kathy Galloway, Lacey Baker and Amy Kanoy.  You can contact any member to discuss questions or concerns regarding the library.